

  • the store constructor needs 2 parameters: iniState and handlers:
const iniState = { Counter: 1 };
const handlers = {
	INCREMENT: (action, state) => {
		state.Counter = state.Counter + 1;
		return {newState: state};
// it's advaiceable to define the storage as global = new Store(
// NOTE: if you are in a static env use window intead of global

Dispatch event{ type: 'EVENT_NAME', ... })

Listening to an event

  • With the method on we can listen to an event in any place of out app.'EVENT_NAME', (action, state) => {
      // logic



  • render is a method that you should override, is mandatory to have it in your class component
  • should return a String or HTMLElement
    class MyComponent extends MetaCompoenent {
      constructor() {
          // is mandatory to call the super on construct
      render() {
          return '<h1>Hello world</h1>'


  • This is a non-mandatory function, is a helper function where is the best practice to listen to DOM Evenets.
render() {
	return '<h1>Hello world</h1>'

addListeners() {
	this.querySelector('h1').onclick = (ev) => {
		// logic here

Getters and Setters

  • As you might assume we can use standard getter and setters from javascript classes.
class MyComponent extends MetaCompoenent {
	constructor() {
		// is mandatory to call the super on construct
		this.text = 'hello world';
	set text(t) {
		this.text = t;
		this.querySelector('h1').innerText = this.text
	get text() {
		return this.text
	render() {
			return `<h1>${this.text}</h1>`


  • this is a mandatory function only if the storage is past to the super in the constructor.
class MyComponent extends MetaCompoenent {
	constructor() {
		// is mandatory to call the super on construct
		this.text = 'hello world';
	render() {
			return `<h1>${this.text}</h1>`
	handleStoreEvents() {
		return {
			'CHANGE_TEXT': (action, state) => {
				this.querySelector('h1').innerText = state.text;


For the sake of debugging ComponentDidFail exists in the MetaComponent and MetaShadowComponent, it can be overwritten or called.

class MyComponent extends MetaComponent {
	constructor(customValue) {
		if(!customValue) {
			this.ComponentDidFail(new TypeError('customValue is needed on construct'))
	render() {
	ComponentDidFail(reason) {
		// Handle you errors here
		// If not overwritten by default will throw reason

This is useful for handling errors from parent classes.

Element Construction

Metaflux supports most standard elements with easy constructors:

var mydiv = Div();

Chaining constructors

var myelegrp = Div().Div().Span('Hello');
// references final element
// <span>Hello</span>

// baseNode() references top of chain
// <div><div><span>Hello</span></div></div>

Importing Element Constructors

import { Div, H1, A } from '@rebelstack-io/metaflux';


constructor( textContent )

var mydiv = Div('<h1>Hello</h1>');
// <div><h1>Hello</h1></div>

var yourdiv = Div('hello');
// <div>hello</div>

constructor( objProps, textContent )

var ahref = A({href:"#"},'anchor text');
// <a href="#">anchor text</a>

Supported Element Constructors

  • Standard HTML
    • H1()
    • H2()
    • H3()
    • H4()
    • H5()
    • H6()
    • Div()
    • Span()
    • Ol()
    • Ul()
    • Li()
    • Table()
    • Thead()
    • Tbody()
    • Tfoot()
    • Tr()
    • Td()
    • Th()
    • Form()
    • Label()
    • Input()
    • TextArea()
    • Button()
    • Img()
    • Picture()
    • Source()
    • Select()
    • Option()
    • P()
    • A()
    • Section()
    • Video()
  • SVG
    • SVG()
    • Element()
    • A()
    • Animation()
    • Animate()
    • AnimateMotion()
    • AnimateTransform()
    • Circle()
    • ClipPath()
    • ComponentTransferFunction()
    • Cursor()
    • Defs()
    • Desc()
    • Ellipse()
    • FEBlend()
    • FEColorMatrix()
    • FEComponentTransfer()
    • FEComposite()
    • FEConvolveMatrix()
    • FEDiffuseLighting()
    • FEDisplacementMap()
    • FEDistantLight()
    • FEDropShadow()
    • FEFlood()
    • FEFuncA()
    • FEFuncB()
    • FEFuncG()
    • FEFuncR()
    • FEGaussianBlur()
    • FEImage()
    • FEMerge()
    • FEMergeNode()
    • FEMorphology()
    • FEOffset()
    • FEPointLight()
    • FESpecularLighting()
    • FESpotLight()
    • FETile()
    • FETurbulence()
    • Filter()
    • FilterPrimitiveStandardAtt()
    • ForeignObject()
    • G()
    • Geometry()
    • Gradient()
    • Graphics()
    • Image()
    • LinearGradient()
    • Line()
    • Mask()
    • Metadata()
    • MPath()
    • Path()
    • Pattern()
    • Polyline()
    • Polygon()
    • RadialGradient()
    • Rect()
    • Script()
    • Set()
    • Stop()
    • Style()
    • Switch()
    • Symbol()
    • TextContent()
    • Text()
    • TextPath()
    • TextPositioning()
    • Title()
    • TSpan()
    • Use()
    • View()