
Fix onStoreEvent prototype

In the previous version, onStoreEvents will return undefined due is a void function, this will break the chaining behavior.

  • update now will return the element that call the onStoreEvents and will have their prototype allowing to keep chaining as usual.

Create new function DefineElement() in replace of window.customElements.define()

it receives the same parameters and works the same but also will create a helper function to create your new component like the custom elements (Div, Span …), the name from that element will be capitalized (my-component = MyComponent), this also will be created to the HTMLElement prototype so can be used with the Metaflux chaining

import { MetaComponent, Div, Button, DefineElement } from '@rebelstack-io/metaflux';

class Counter extends MetaComponent {
	 * MetaComponent constructor needs storage.
	constructor () {
	// eslint-disable-next-line class-method-use-this
	render () {
		const content = Div({}, () => (
				onclick: () => {
					this.storage.dispatch({type: 'INCREMENT'});
			}, 'Increase')
		this.text = content.Div({}, this.storage.getState().Main.value)
		content.Button({onclick: () => {
			this.storage.dispatch({type: 'DECREMENT'});
		}}, 'Decrese')
		return content;

	 * Handle Events in an organized way.
	handleStoreEvents () {
		return {
			'INCREMENT': () => {
				this.text.textContent = this.storage.getState().Main.value;
			'DECREMENT': () => {
				this.text.textContent = this.storage.getState().Main.value;
DefineElement('simple-counter', Counter);
// the old way = window.customElements.define('simple-counter', Counter);

Now our Element is available in a function SimpleCounter(props, content) we can define it as so

Div(false, SimpleCounter())
// or use chaining

Add new Life cycle function.

For the sake of debugging add ComponentDidFail to the MetaComponent and MetaShadowComponent, it can be overwritten or called.

class MyComponent extends MetaComponent {
    constructor(customValue) {
        if(!customValue) {
            this.ComponentDidFail(new TypeError('customValue is needed on construct'))
    render() {
    ComponentDidFail(reason) {
       // Handle you errors here
      // If not overwritten by default will throw reason

This is useful for handling errors from parent classes.